Personal Projects
I work on a bunch of different projects. They are listed below. Next to the title I have add a “Since ?” portion — this represents the year I started working on this project. Some I haven’t worked on at all so they have TBA instead of a date. People ask me on a semi-regular basis what I’m working on so I made this.
Fragmenta in Cogitationem (Since 2018)
My largest project by far on this list. I started writing this book after the insane left-wing activism that ensued at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) during my junior year there in 2018. Originally titled Hermeneutic Pragmatism, I have changed it to Fragmenta in Cogitationem. It originally was a political book, but I have since changed it to be primarily moral with a political supplement.
How I Became a Pragmatist (Since 2018)
An essay detailing my development socially, morally, philosophically, and politically since 2010 to Pragmatism. I started this back in 2020 and forgot where I placed the file for a couple of years. I have found it, but haven’t worked on it in at least two years.
Arguments for Liberty: Summary of the Arguments (Since 2020)
I bought “Arguments for Liberty” (2017) after researching some Libertarian arguments. Many people who I talk with about Philosophy recommended this book. It contains nine arguments for Libertarianism from different views like Utilitarianism or Kantianism. What I’m doing is summarizing the arguments in a more proof-based format. Currently, I have summarized one out of the nine. The first argument is explained in the book using 40 pages. My summary is two.
Schopenhauer: A Conspectus of His Thoughts (Since 2023)
Schopenhauer is one of my biggest philosophical influences and rightly so given his works and their implications. This conspectus is on his “The World as Will and Representation,” “On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason,” “The Two Fundamental Problems of Ethics,” “Parerga and Paralipomena,” “On the Will in Nature,” “Studies in Pessimism,” “Essays and Aphorisms,” “On the Freedom of the Will," and “On the Basis of Morality.” Schopenhauer is often drastically misunderstood, so I have taken it upon me to summarize (to the best of my ability) his points in each of these works. In finality, a unified view of his thoughts.
Authentic Christianity* (Since 2023)
The Holy Bible has some very literal verses, while some parts are more up for interpretation since they are stories, parables, etc. What I’m aiming to do is compile as much of the literal and provide some of the best interpretations for relevant sections. To do this I essentially have to read the Holy Bible, do word studies of the Hebrew/Greek used in each passage, then create a unified and accurate message of what’s being stated. This is a massive project, simply due to sheer amount of work required to accurately represent bible verses. For reference, I’ve been working on the book of James and it has taken me about 10 - 45 minutes per verse to read, conceptualize, and understand it, then go through the Greek used to do the whole thing over again. Finally, to write out the verse as best as I can. However, for this book that’s just the requirement before I even talk about the message of James. So, hopefully you can see how much work is required for this.
An Open Letter to Lost Souls (Since 2023)
This short essay functions as my first attempt to provide general self-help. Topics are on creating a foundation for good health and where to go in detail on various aspects of it.
Elliott Wave Theory: Comprehensive Overview (Since 2023)
Elliott Wave Theory (EWT) is a relatively simple methodology once you’ve read all the literature and practiced it for around two years. However, the literature isn’t readily available in one all-inclusive book. The standard book, “Elliott Wave Principle: Key to Market Behavior” (12th Edition) (2022), only contains about 80 - 90% of it. This PDF represents my best efforts to take the remaining two book’s lessons and present them uniformly. The EWT classics together are around 500 pages. “R.N. Elliott's Masterworks: The Definitive Collection” (3rd Edition) (2017) is where you’ll find the other two books and some supplementary EWT literature if you are interested.
The Digital Currency Era: CBDCs and Cryptocurrency (TBA)
I haven’t really started this book at all, rather I have just noted some topics I need to speak upon in this book. What I aim for this book to be is a discussion on the corruption of fiat and the emergence of digital currencies (both in a decentralized and centralized concept).
Philosophy: From An Autodidact (Since 2023)
This is my attempt to provide an intuitive introduction to Philosophy by examining its five main branches: Ethics, Aesthetics, Epistemology, Metaphysics, and Logic. Its format is somewhat like a textbook utilizing a summary, some minor exploration into that subject, a summary of relevant terms, and providing some further reading.
Pertinent Philosophy Problems (Since 2023)
There are many questions in Philosophy. This essay focuses on 15 of them that I feel are significantly more important, even fundamental to any worldview. I provide a brief overview of their history and some commentary from various sources.